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Winjet variShape LF80
Digital Label Finisher
  • Roll-to-Roll Label Die Cutter
  • 2 Plotting Knife as the Digital Dies
  • Speed: 5 m/min
Winjet variShape LF80 Brochure
Winjet variShape LF80 -The Digital Label Finisher
Producing Short-Run Labels on Demand

Winjet VariShape series provide a total label finishing solution for highly customized labels with one device.  The finisher includes several stations: lamination, free-form cutting, waste matrix removal and slitting.  The workflow for the users will be: preparing the printed web, setting up on the finisher, sending the digital die-cut files from their computers to the finishers, and waiting for the complete label web.


Laminating station is an optinal feature to enhance the weather resistance or to produce glossy appearances.  


Digital Die Cutter

The cutting station has a knife which moves along the label outlines designed by the users as the digital dies.  And the label outlines are determined by the users.  It means the users can design the label graphics and the label shapes with software instead of matching and tuning accross the softwares to match the die designs with the actual printed webs.  Therefore, it saves the costs for prepare/maintain the dies and shorten the lead times significantly.


Waste Matrix Removal

If the labels will be sent to an label applicator, waste matrix removal will be a must to get the labels ready for the upcoming process.



Compared with cut sheets, continuous forms avoid page missing during operation process better. Also, machines usually have more tolerance regarding to thickness of continuous media than cut-sheet media. And there are more finishing systems that works with continuous forms as well.


  *All specifications are subject to change without notice.